There are very many countries that are using Daylight Saving Time (DST). The integral thing that caused the implementation of DST was to improve the correlation of the activity peak of a society with the daylight hours. There are very many advantages to DST like a decreased electricity consumption, lowering in crime rate as well as traffic accidents and many more. However, certain petitions are intended to terminate DST. Such petitions are being made because the drawback massively outweighs the advantages. Based on this, they suggest that DST must come to an end.
Among the reasons that people support and end to DST is that it increases fuel consumption that increases pollution of the atmosphere. Research has established that that DST applied in the summer have increase evening traffic which then creates pollution due to increased fuel consumption. There are some that state the DST has increased the road accidents. An alteration in DST can go far in changing the activity cycle. Well, switching to and from DST disrupt sleeping patterns and the individuals concerned might start feeling the impact for longer than two weeks. Such issues might lead to increased traffic accidents and more about health matters.
DST was first implemented in the first and second world wars when it was very important for nations to save on energy. After the second world war, each state was given the freedom to set their sunshine standards. However, this resulted to a lot of confusion in time interpretations. That is why in 1966, congress passed a law to standardize DST. However, there were still some allowances that gave states some freedom to maintain their DST. Research has established that the purported gains in DST are myths. Energy consumption goes up with modern energy usage habits borrowing from time change. There have been very many attempts initiated to change the practices of switching the clock twice every year. They are going ahead and tasking the government to change the DST legislation which is something that the petitioners have been extremely passionate about.
Online petitions to end DST are increasing. Millions of Americans are starting to s go online and sign petitions to stop DST. Basically, they have been adding up at a rate of 200/hour, and it is really amazing how this has become so popular. DST end is a confusing element in our today's society and borrowing from the fact that it has a long history, some of it might not be relevant in your modern society.
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