Daylight saving time is a situation where you adjust the clock forward during the spring season and backward during the autumn season. The main reason to initiate the daylight saving time is to save the energy. Daylight saving time was started to assist in mainly saving money. There are many problems experienced more than the benefits of using the daylight saving time therefore many people are demanding to end the daylight saving time. The following are the main reasons people are petitioning to end the daylight saving time.
The dark mornings requires the high use of energy resulting in using more light and electricity. The energy gain which was experienced during the evening period is consumed during this time leading o many people demanding for the removal of the daylight saving time. Many people are stressed from using the daylight saving time because of the advanced technology in the current times. Also, there are traveling delays which are experienced with the changing clocks resulting in loss of revenue and headaches to the people who are traveling.
The daylight saving time is mainly used to enhance that you can save money. The main aim of using the daylight saving time was to save energy from being wasted. The evening requires having the low illumination of light requirements. Research has proven that there is reduced light energy demand and there is going to have a positive impact on the end daylight savings time. The warmer hours of the daylight saving time increased the conditioning which will consecutively eliminate the benefits enjoyed of decreasing the light energy for illumination. Many people are suffering from paying higher electrical bills than what is required since there is high consumption of energy for lighting.
There are many health issues which have risen because of the daylight saving time. The health issues arise because of regularly shifting the clock. The heart attack is an excellent example of the health complications which rose after initiating the daylight saving time. The body develops heart attack issues because of sleep and biological rhythm disturbances. The popularity of people suffering from high-stress levels has increased because it is not easy to get treatment fast when you are feeling ill while using the daylight saving time. There is a requirement to end the daylight saving time to enhance that there are no health complications which rise as time progresses. See here for more ideas.
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